Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 4... sleep more, and more tired.

Am I the only one that notices the phenomenon of getting more sleep but being more tired some mornings? well, that's where I'm at today. I finally managed a solid 7.75 hours of sleep and dragging myself out of bed this morning was extremely difficult, hopefully I'll be fine once I get going but perhaps a power nap will be in order around lunchish.

Hmm lets see... the last 24 hours seem like they just flew by, most of the day was taken up with setting up each of our activities. so being a super good planner I decided to wait for a few hours and give the horses alll the time I could before we tied them up and saddled, the only problem with this is that my incredibly competent partner in crime is away from camp this weekend... and even though I had a good helper I also had about 4 of them that were very unsure of themselves with saddling and prepping horses... being well within the time limit quickly turned into being a half hour late for lunch, combine that with taking a ride out right after lunch and it was very typical of how the rest of the summer will go :).

After horses we did the staff tour of activities so we got to see the farm, archery, the drum circle and tomahawks (the most amazing of camp activities), today we're supposed to have time to do rappelling and the zip lines. As you may have noticed we've got a pretty epic set of stuff to do.

And last but not least, a short time ago there was a tornado that ripped through wheatland (one of the towns near here). Several buildings were obliterated and despite a lack of significant injury it did a fair bit of damage. Because of our proximity we have the opportunity to go make lunch for all the workers who are involved in repairs (which in these situations is a huge number), so most of the activity staff will be zipping out of here in about 45 minutes to go make sandwiches for a good chunk of the morning. In the meantime I get to sort of spin my wheels here and try to figure out a good time to feed horses and coordinate with 2 of my superiors on what the plan is for our section of activities today.

Anyway this is a pretty stick-to-the-facts sorta update but it IS an update, so that's progress yeah?

p.s. I've been chewing on a few conversations from these first few days, so likely there will be a more philosophical/abstract update in the semi-near future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love these updates. Lets us live along with you.