Monday, June 10, 2013

Y2, Day 9. On the road again!

Today started out simple... pack a bag, load up Chad-Moe (our 15 passenger van) with aforementioned bag, add a few miscellaneous camp supplies for the week, and then roll out to the nearby church. I also spent a bit of time in prayer and doing some last minute prep (most of it has been last-minute unfortunately) for speaking in the evening.  

The next few hours were the dull roar and more-than-mild amazement at trying to keep up with the bus as it sped merrily on its way to casper. It should be noted that the lack of 'exciting' details in this part of the story is a HUGE blessing. 

We arrived in casper no less than 37 minutes late... and after a brief introduction to the team and some joyful reunions with old friends and comrades from camps gone by we loaded up the van and a host of other vehicles and started up the mountain. (Once again it was a wonderful blessing to arrive at the top without having to stop or without having any of the coolant remaining in the vehicle)

After assigning yurts (that's right, we're living in yurts this week. you have my permission to be envious) we gathered up and began the weekly training. Even after a week of summer-staff training it was relatively painless and helped with introductions and getting to know everyone (and I remember most of the names, so I'm doing fairly well for the first day). 

Supper rolled around heralded the arrival of Father Tom and his wife who made some delightful pulled-pork sandwiches, potatoes, mixed veggies, and so on. Very satisfying under normal circumstances but downright delightful as a component of camp. 

After supper is where my stress returned... we had a quick break and then launched into our staff chapel time. Our duo of worship leaders led us in a few songs and it was encouraging to see how the group is very willing to worship. I was particularly struck by one of the counselors who was asked to play drums, but right before the first song started his young daughter walked over asked to sit on his lap. To compound the cuteness when He started to play the drum she looked up at him and said "I can do that daddy!" and started to play (with remarkable competency) in the center of the drum. He continued to play on the edges gently creating a wonderful sound that was also a wonderful picture of the Fathers love for us. 

I spoke briefly on Hebrews 11, and challenged the group to place themselves in that list.. By faith I... came to camp? went on a missions trip? chose to live for christ even when it's incredibly difficult? 

I also challenged them to share those times with each other so we can look at those moments in each other and be encouraged. By faith my friend did this... and God blessed them. 

It went fairly well and God seems to have blessed it, but I've got 4 more nights, and I'm still very nervous... please keep me in your prayers, that my words are few and his leading is overpowering. That I am a faithful steward to teach his truth. 

We then finished out the night with a rousing game of sardines and anchovies and a campfire. After campfire Father Tom treated us to some ice cream and we turned in for the night. 

(I didn't have great inet up on the mountain so I decided to post this morning instead) 

This morning I popped out of bed at the 6:30 wake-up call and after verifying the rest of the yurt had awakened I stumbled my way down to the morning coffee (did I mention father Tom was here?) and to put some food in my face hole. 

Also the soundtrack for the day today is this song:

We drove down the mountain and arrived at the link, after spreading a few things around the kids began to arrive and I snuck off to write this... (I know i'm such a terrible example) 

Alrighty, here is a short bullet list of things that are on my radar this week: 
-pray for the ministry here. it's up to God what impact we have on little flighty kids... but it can be powerful
-pray for me as I speak in the evenings, (it's worth mentioning a second time in one post)
-pray for the team that remains at Haven this week... they'll be hosting a VBS and working alongside a 4h group at the end of the week. Even though I know this is where I should be and I know that they're all very capable and competent, It is difficult to be apart because I want to help share the load if and when I can... but when we are apart I can only hope that God will do that without me (which I know is true... but I don't always feel it) 

God Bless you friends!

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