Sunday, June 1, 2014

3.01 A request for support.

Dear Friends,

This year I have the incredible opportunity to return to Haven on the Rock for another summer of ministry.  This will be my fourth year out there and I’m quite excited to go back.  

That having been said, I’m only able to return to camp each year because of those who generously support me financially, prayerfully, and otherwise. And this year is no exception.

How can you help you might ask? Honestly, the most tangible way is financially. At Haven we want anyone to be able to come to camp, and to keep costs low the staff work for very little. Because of this and returning to school this past fall, I’m at a point where my continued ability to work at camp is dependent on raising support.

This year my financial needs will be $2500 in support. This will cover the costs of the summer and help with necessary expenses such as food, gas, and clothing. (No shiny new Ipad, don’t worry) and I’d be honored if you’d partner with me in this ministry.

If you are unable to give financially I also need your prayers and encouragement. To help you with that you can follow my (nearly) daily updates at (You can also read the accounts of the last two summers there if you’re so inclined) It is a great way to live the daily highs and lows of a summer at camp. I always appreciate hearing that people enjoy my writing and an encouraging comment goes a long way. It is also a great way to stay current on specific ways to pray for me, and camp in general and without your prayers I would not be able to do what I do.

Donations can be sent via the following methods:

Mail a check to:                                   Donate Online:
Haven on the Rock
560 Rimrock Road
Ft. Laramie, WY 82212

Write: "Nick Oegema support"
in the memo line. 

Browse to
Click on the “donate” tab.
Login or create an account (a quick process)
Select Summer Staff as the type of donation
Enter “Nick Oegema” as the staff member
Enter your method of payment and submit!

Blessings my Friends!

-Nick Oegema

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