Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It doesn't have to make sense... or dollars.

Recently it was brought to my attention that I haven't posted in quite some time, and that the particular timing/content of my last post was somewhat worrisome. Having re-read my last few posts I would agree, and to be honest I have actually missed this venue and process of thought. Not enough to actually remind me to write... because I often remain a slave to 'inspiration' instead of just writing and seeing what comes out of my brain and through my fingers. Lucky for you I've decided to scamper down that rabbit hole tonight and see what comes out regardless.

But which tunnel to follow?

Perhaps I should paint in broad strokes where I am right now. I could describe the incredible growth I've been through the last short months, how I've made more friends than I thought myself capable and how life far outshines what I could have ever imagined coming back to college would be like.

I could look forward to the future and talk about opportunities both terrifying and exciting depending on the moment I'm considering them.

I could talk about the fact that even though I miss the presence of those I've lost... that they feel closer than they have since those mournful days. That I can finally look at what I've been able to accomplish here and accept that they would be proud of me.

I could write about silliness and how my brain spits out the most bizarre and shockingly horrific things when I run a fever, or that I've got a legion of friends who still put up with me after they were forced to tolerate me without most of my higher brain functions...

Instead I think I'll just ramble a bit and see how it feels, and on the way discover that I should be writing all of these things but they're too much to take all at once. Instead I'll leave it at this because in some ways it feels like coming home... Yeah... this feels good. It doesn't make sense and it is borderline coherent but sometimes that's ok too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In your rambling you said a lot! And, yes, he would be very proud.