Saturday, June 7, 2014
3.5 the post that is today, and the post that was not yesterday all in one.
However, what did yesterday hold you might ask? Well let me go back... (if this blog post had a soundtrack here would have some fog drifting in and lil flashback noises playing) yesterday.. we did a handful more training sessions out of the staff manual and covered such fun topics as the importance of rest and levels of communication and how they relate to perceived intimacy/vulnerability and so forth. It was a long day but not a terribly difficult one in the grand scheme of things. Until supper was an hour late... then the claws came out. But the food did arrive and was quite edible and we're all friends again.
I did have some pent up frustration (more than I realized) from the course of the week and stole a bit of a good friend's time to vent, and cry a lil (it happens) and altogether just process the last week in a social manner. It was incredibly good and let the pressure out of a few wrong lines of thinking. I'm blessed that there are many of those types of friends out here at camp every year.
The training day wrapped after supper and I noticed my good buddy Zach working at an incredible rate (the guy really does get a shocking amount done in a day) on the newest cabin (there will be 4 when it's done!) and that he might need an extra set of hands for parts of it. I chipped in and after keeping up with him for a little under an hour (or what seemed like that long anyway) I took a little break while he did a part that didn't require help. I spent that time chatting with his wife who was also working away faithfully in the snack shack until the wee hours. It was great to share a little bit of my struggles the past year and get caught up on what God has been doing in her life this year. she got me crying a few times again too (turns out it's not just the weather that is more prone to rain this week). Suffice it to say it was a joy to spend time with my dear friends again. And it felt good to crawl into bed at the end and be a little sore, but in a good way.
I rolled out of bed at the crack of 10 am this morning (it's saturday, don't judge me like that). Got up, and read a few chapters of the latest Dresden Files book on my e-reader. I hadn't even realized it was out until my little brother asked me if I'd read it yet. So far it's good stuff as always.
After that a few of us rolled out to scottsbluff to take in a movie and to partake of the calorie intensive goodness that is sonic. And the outing was a success on all fronts. We saw Edge of Tomorrow and I was quite impressed. The special effects and alien design were quite good, the exo-skeletons were surprisingly plausible and the plot was remarkably cohesive considering the genre of time-loops. It was a little rough around the edges at times (the soldiers were fairly... colorful?) but all in all I quite enjoyed it.
The drive home was smooth sailing and here I sit. Regaling you with the tale... so you're caught up! Tomorrow's post won't be so much narrative as just personal though/rambling. but I think I'll leave it here for the night.
know that if you took the time to read this that I appreciate it. When I miss a day and I hear about it from multiple people it's a huge motivator and an encouragement that you even notice.
If you're in the mood/spirit to pray for me, my needs have not changed much from thursday and I listed them in the 3.4 post. I encourage you to reference them there.
Be Blessed my friends and enjoy your Sabbath!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
3.4 the first team building day
Training today was a bit more chaotic than normal but was fairly productive, our missing comrades show up later tonight and tomorrow we wrap for the week (I think)
I did hit my quota for water again (something I'll stop commenting on once it's more habitual) and by the time supper rolled around I was exhausted. Couldn't figure out why... Until I remembered that I hasn't had any soda or caffeine of any kind today. Despite being tempted to purchase some dew at a gas station we stopped at. Because of that I'm going to bed soon...
Pre-registration for camps are already far ahead of last year which is a great problem to have when you're fully staffed. As I'm still sitting on quite a few counselor slots I'm getting more worried daily.
Short post tonight. Gonna do some reading and try to be out by 11.
3.4 the first team building day
Training today was a bit more chaotic than normal but was fairly productive, our missing comrades show up later tonight and tomorrow we wrap for the week (I think)
I did hit my quota for water again (something I'll stop commenting on once it's more habitual) and by the time supper rolled around I was exhausted. Couldn't figure out why... Until I remembered that I hasn't had any soda or caffeine of any kind today. Despite being tempted to purchase some dew at a gas station we stopped at. Because of that I'm going to bed soon...
Pre-registration for camps are already far ahead of last year which is a great problem to have when you're fully staffed. As I'm still sitting on quite a few counselor slots I'm getting more worried daily.
Short post tonight. Gonna do some reading and try to be out by 11.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
3.3 A short post via smartphone.
Training started off today and it's going fairly well. I always have a hard time getting excited for largely the same info as years past but there has been plenty of new things and whatnot that it has been an overall pleasant day.
One thing that has been added is a worship set right after breakfast and another supper (the beginning and end of the training day). And it was decent...
Once I was able to shut my brain off about who's singing sharp and where the tune derailed entirely it was semi beneficial to me. As some of you know I struggle to worship through live music because I have a hard time turning off my sound guy instincts. It also didn't help that they choose to sing "10,000 reasons" during both sets; a song and album which were very meaningful through the process of mourning my father. A process that is far from over... So every time I hear that song I remember the funeral and while it's a find memory it's also a sad one.
Hit my three nalgene target again! At this rate my body might realize what to do with a sufficient water supply again. Hope that adjustment happens quickly.
Tonight most of the staff are playing a hectic game of Quelf. Looks zany... But I'm pretty wiped. Only one can of soda today for sugar drinks or caffeine, combine that with a short sleep last night and it makes sense I'm dragging a bit. Probably read a Lil bit and crash soon.
Most of the stragglers get here tomorrow night. Pray for safe travel as they drive most of the day.
I am still short counselors for my week (the last in June) and that's getting more stressful as it gets rapidly closer. Pray that the right people materialize soon.
And last but not least... I'm here, and I have enough to get me to Omaha in July, but money is super tight. Pray that support letters yield a response, or that readers feel prompted to give.
P.s. I typed this on my phone so I apologize for any autocorrect errors.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
3.2 The gang's all here. (except lots are missing)
Today was a good day. Everyone scrambled to get their own stuff done and I was no exception. I did lots of things that unfortunately don't have much of a tangible effect. I'm still a bit shy on counselors... but there are a few hopes now that I didn't have a day ago (and a few glimmers that have faded into nothing as well) Please continue to pray that I get the staff that I need for the upcoming week.
I scrubbed out a horrific fridge today and as I was doing so I remember commenting that the bottom reminded me of the bottom of a birdcage combined with a rabbit hutch. While this is a shocking combination it also served to remind me that I've done some absolutely incredible things working at camp. (including cleaning out those animal pens) Even though it's occasionally frightening I don't regret it in the least. And I can't wait to see how my boundaries will be stretched this year too.
I also had the opportunity to introduce a large section of the staff to the game "pairs" tonight. It's such a simple game that it gets people distracted enough to just talk and to let their guard down just a little. It was a blast to play a few rounds (even though I think I lost a disproportionate amount, but who's counting?)
It was great to see so many old friends trickle in and jump to work almost immediately. Combined with a few new faces and camp is already starting to become more lively. Staff training begins in earnest tomorrow morning and most of the stragglers will sneak in on Thursday night.
I also managed to get my gear moved from my car to the barracks with a little (read: a LOT) of help from others. It's far from organized but at least I'll have the choice to not sleep in a sleeping bag tonight which I may or may not take advantage of... we'll see.
I also got a cool opportunity to do some stargazing this evening and saw the rings of Saturn, Jupiter and his moons, and a few galaxies n' nebulae. It was quite chilly (I forgot to grab a jacket on my way out the door) but was well worth the shivers and whatnot.
Last but not least, I consumed no less than 3 Nalgene bottles of water. I think the humidity (or lack thereof) and altitude are larger factors than they have been in years past. Omaha made me soft!
also i'm an "old man" and my bed is calling. Gnite my friends!
Monday, June 2, 2014
3.1 Of Frolf Frisbees, Fuzzy Horses, and Frankfurters.
I then discovered a new building now sits beside the snack shack! And the decrepit building next to the farm (Think petting zoo) is gone! Both exciting developments to be sure. We also acquired a new stagecoach sitting spot alongside the road. Initially It's not really my 'cup of tea' so to speak but I took a good look at it later this evening and it seems like it might be a fairly comfy spot. And it does look surprisingly rustic considering it's made of composite material. And there are a host of other things that have been done. Zach (our facility director) and a host of volunteers have been incredibly busy and it is immediately apparent the second you drive in. What a blessing it is to have a constantly improving facility. I can't say enough good things about all the work that has been done... and I've just been told of a few others that I didn't notice yet.
I also had the fun opportunity to play a nice game of "QUILTING" (don't worry it's just PIG or HORSE with a longer random word) while we were putting with Frisbee golf disks. It was great to swap stories and chat about the things we've been digging out of the word and just catch up.
So, for those who are just joining us. yesterday I wrote my support letter (you can read it here) in which I do the necessary evil of asking for money... Sadly I am aware that most of my readers are as financially strapped as I am... and that somewhat worries me to be perfectly honest. Please be praying for me in this area.
Also please be praying for the prep for the week that I'm directing. I'm still lacking some counselors and I'm beginning to freak out a Lil' bit. So on the off chance that you know someone who loves Jesus, working with junior highers, and is willing to work in Wyoming for a week (for free). Send em my way!
Also it's getting late and I'm not entirely awake... So I'm calling it a night my friends!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
3.01 A request for support.
Haven on the Rock
560 Rimrock Road
Ft. Laramie, WY 82212
Write: "Nick Oegema support" in the memo line. |
Browse to
Click on the “donate” tab.
Login or create an account (a quick process)
Select Summer Staff as the type of donation
Enter “Nick Oegema” as the staff member
Enter your method of payment and submit!
3.0 Three years?! Let it begin again!
While this will actually my fourth summer in Wyoming, it is the 3rd one that I've committed to keeping a record of. The first year was lost in the sands of memory and to be fair I was spiritually a walking-wounded that first year and thus it's probably for the best that I didn't share the inner monologue that year.
In any case, here begins the blog MKIII. It is highly likely that I'll be updating nearly daily (or as close as I can get). Judging from years past you can anticipate 4-7 posts a week. It should be an interesting journey as I'm always a little different person as I come into the season. This year is no different. I never know what the summer holds or what I'm supposed to learn this year...
Year zero (the lost year) I'd summarize it in the following: Hope Realized. I was surprised by the incredible richness of finding a new camp family (which is not to say anything bad about the one I grew up with) but I figured I'd aged past the opportunity to be involved in a camp full-time again. I was welcomed even though I was a mess... Physically I was VERY overweight (to be fair that isn't entirely untrue now.. but to a much lesser degree), pale as a ghost from working overnights, and spiritually I was still shaky from a dark season just prior. I didn't dare to hope that it would be as good as I remembered camp being, but I found healing and renewal and made many friends whom I still count among my closest even these years later.
The first year (the ones that are just labeled with days not year numbers in the archive) my best recollection (I could go back and read the archive I suppose...) would be Joy. I rediscovered a passion for camp ministry and realized the shadow I was the year before. Instead of being sad about the past I pressed forward glorying in restored strength and I look at the things I accomplished that year with a little jealousy because it came so easy, and at the end I was ready to collapse but I still had a huge grin because I felt so alive! I didn't even need a nap during the day until the last few weeks of camp!
Last year is the clearest in my memory. The theme in my mind was Faithfulness. I had recently lost my father and once again was spiritually a walking-wounded. But I had a host of new responsibilities and carried more on my shoulders than I ever had. It wore on me in powerful ways and always dogging my steps was a undeniable fatigue and a temptation to just give up. I'd like to say that I fought it off every time but in reality it'd be a gracious interpretation to say that I was just one step ahead all summer. For survival I was forced to put one foot in front of the other, and I knew that if I stumbled... it'd get ugly quick. Thankfully I was given the energy I needed when I needed it and despite some of the most difficult situations we've ever faced at this camp (at least in the horse program) we made it.
This year? Who knows... I've been at Grace University in Omaha, Nebraska for the last year scraping together the rest of my Bachelors degree (stay in school kids, it's easier the first time). I've grown and been seasoned in ways I didn't expect... and it seems that all of the odd and bizarre things I've learned in my "random" journey to this point has been useful in one form or another.
Combine that with the fact that for the first time in Wyoming I won't be working as a wrangler, nor will I be the head of the team that I will be working with. In an exciting turn of events I'll be the rookie at the rappelling wall! (not to be confused with repelling; that takes a bit more bug spray and far less carabiners)
To be honest I'm not even sure if I'll have any official leadership role at all this year. Except for the week at the end of June that I'm directing I'm just one of the crew.
To be fair all of that is based entirely on the few emails I've received and largely by my own failure to multitask well while in school I'm quite out of the loop this year. You might even say that if the loop were to explode for some odd reason... I might not hear the sound for a few days, if ever. Quite the contrast to this time last year.
Anyway, The long and short of it is... the year is beginning! I'm finalizing my support letter (which should have been finished and sent months ago) tonight, and will try to stuff envelopes tonight too. But I'll be looking for addresses to send em to! If you want one (and many of you are getting them already) I'd love it if you'd send me a message on facebook, text, email, or comment here and I'll send you a hardcopy. Otherwise if you're all digital It'll be posted here in the next 24 hours.
Whomever you are reading this... I'm glad you're here. I hope you continue to join me for the no-doubt whirlwind ride ahead. At very least it should be somewhat entertaining!