Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 32 Of hot springs and other things.

Day 32 Of hot springs and other things.

Today was incredibly restorative. The day officially began with breakfast at 10 am. I decided it was best if I slept in rather than going out hiking at 6 or 7am with two of our comerades and instead my body let me sleep in to the wonderful hour of 7:45. From here I finished my book, got into the word a bit (finally finished working through James) and generally relaxed and enjoyed the quiet.

Precisely on time our ride rolled up and we went to breakfast with about half? Maybe a little over half of the staff. The rest were still snoozing and as breakfast was optional today we let them be. Breakfast was incredibly good and the pancakes and eggs really hit the spot. After breakfast we had some fun conversations ranging from computer games, computers, where we think technology is going, why I should get an Ipad, and so on (a lot of us are nerds). Our conversations lasted so long that before we had even left the table lunch was served, a wonderful spaghetti pie casserole thing (think spaghetti except the noodles are replaced with spaghetti squash). It was once again delicious. After consuming so much food I staggered back to 'home' and took a nap for a few hours. Our timetable was waiting on the littlest member of staff (he's 2) to take his nap so I figured I'd join in on naptime.

Several hours later I was awakened and most of the staff loaded up and headed into saratoga to experience the saratoga hot springs. It was wonderful. The water was heated enough that it relaxed muscles I wasn't aware were still knotted and it was cool enough that we seldom had to seek refuge out of the water. I even got talked into sticking my feet into the hottest part of the pool for a slow “5 one-thousand” count. It was good times.

Upon our return we had about an hour of downtime until yet another amazing meal (beef strogonof) once again prepared by one of our directors. Someone commented that this was why the college students kept coming back to their house every week because the food was this good. Not being around here in the off-season I don't know about that, but I do know that the food was very good. Karissa did an excellent job providing for us today. (this is not unusual, but it was especially noticeable on a day when we had time to sit and eat for a while)

The evening rolled around and after struggling with computers for a short time we finally managed to create an improvised network and played a few rounds of age of empires. I only made it through one game before I went off to bed but I heard at least one more played out as I was drifting off to sleep. I can't explain how encouraging it is to be part of a group of people that are comrades not only in the work of camp but in the oddity and weirdness that comes with being a geek as well.

Today we are joining a small congregation here just outside of Saratoga and then I think we head over the mountain to table in the wilderness which will be home base for high school camp. I'll be a counselor for that week and I'm really looking forward to it! I'm sure stories will abound but once again depending on the work required or the state of the internet/cell signal where we'll be at I don't know if I'll be able to update much. I will as I am able, this has been a useful process for me and thus far has fulfilled all the goals I originally set it to do.

What are those goals you might ask. They are simply as follows:
  1. To keep my home church and friends not able to be at camp appraised of what I'm doing
  2. To mark the passage of time and make sure that later I'll be able to remember what God has done in my life.
  3. To help myself process what has happened in a day, much of this portion gets cut out in editing but you do get to see the shape of that in these posts
It has been fun and I'm looking forward to at least another month of this process.
