Thursday, August 8, 2013

2.53 The one about lake day n stuff

Yesterday was a great lake day. We got going in the morning and arrived at the lake mid-morning at which point I got the interesting challenge of making a point of playing with my kids while being blind... and not being able to see my kids. (or at least pick them out of a crowd of 100)

I got a few minutes to get caught up with a good camp friend (our annual check in) oddly it wasn't at a campfire this time but it was good. Unfortunately I feel like I talked for most of it... and I might have cried a bit during parts of the 'how has the last year been' thing. But even with that it was a blessing.

We returned to camp and the evening went fairly well, the only trick is that a few of the boys here have decided to stage games of hide-and-seek whenever they can, so those of us in guy cabins are really having to stay on our toes just to keep them accounted for. Really thankful for the fact that they do get worn out by the end of the day so bedtimes are relatively quick.

Today is another day of activities! My group gets to go rappelling among other things and I'm looking forward to it. We also are planning some sort of cabin party or stay-up-late thing tonight, and I'm not sure what that'll look like, but if the blog post tomorrow doesn't come until the evening (or at all) that is likely the culprit you can blame.

and breakfast approaches, back to it!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

2.52 The one about saturday and counseling.

Merry Wednesday to ya!

Saturday (as promised) was a great day, and a rough one all at the same time. I started out the day sleeping in for a while (yay!) and then discovered that there was very little food for the weekend (boo!) and even fewer of which was desirable (boo!) so a small group of us headed into town to run a few errands involving my wayward and non-functional car (very boo!) and the laundromat (meh).

Now to put the car woes in perspective, I somehow misplaced my keys in the last 2 weeks (^&*^&%) while my car was stranded in torington after it died a while back. I remembered that I normally keep a spare in the car so we used a nice lil coat hanger and broke in (yay!) during which someone called the cops on us (kinda neutral, annoying for us, good for the community) but the officer that responded was entertaining and kinda cute (yay!). From there we discovered that I did not have a spare in there anymore... (booooo)

I then made a flurry of phone calls on monday to various car-y type places, to get the car towed (it still is broken, we still don't know why) and to get a key made (so the other guys can work on why it's broken).
All of those things are in progress and I haven't heard anything since monday morning... (no news is good news maybe?) Please be praying about this... even if the car is dead for good I don't want to spend much learning that is a thing.

Counseling is a blast, I got a group of 5 boys and am paired with a group of 5 girls. The group we got is full of challenges and Monday-Tuesday lunch was a struggle to get them to stay as a group, participate, etc. but yesterday afternoon our boys anyway were much better about being involved.

I also got to have a bit of an impromptu hike with another camper who got a little overwhelmed by things and needed some space... it was 'fun' and as the mild sunburn fades in and the dehydration fades into memory... it actually was a bit enjoyable, and at very least it was quite memorable.

Thus far I love being a counselor again, It is filled with challenges I expected and many that I didn't know. I am glad to have this opportunity and the wranglers seem pretty happy without me looking over their shoulders.

Because I've got to get back to my cabin (my boys alarm goes off any minute) I'll throw the rest of the stuff I've got into a list for prayer, perusal, or whatnot.

-Pray that the group continues to grow closer and that friendships improve.
-I've got school coming up, and a move on top of that...
-School costs money and that stresses me out
-This is the last week of camp, and in about 55 hours we're done for the season
-When I get stressed my shoulders get all tense.. i'm doing the best I can with ibuprofen but it's still uncomfortable
-today is lake day
-there are 80 kids here for our camp this week (the largest one all summer)
-there are 160+ people here at camp this week (the largest group during any week)
 -a host of other things I don't have time to extrapolate...

I love you mysterious reader. May this find you well and may your adventures this season have been as magnificent as mine (or far more so)


Sunday, August 4, 2013

2.51 The one where i write a lot of things about a lot of things.

Wow... I think that's a new low. I haven't updated to you guys since Tuesday.

Let me first reassure you that the sick horse mentioned in Tuesday's post is now back to normal and is very happy and healthy once more.

Wednesday heralded the second pool day of the summer! I avoided getting sunburned this time and still had a great deal of fun swimming around and whatnot. I did notice in passing that I had far more lung capacity when I was a wee one, either that or I had such a short attention span that it seemed like much longer underwater than it does now.

Thursday we had two rides in the morning and a host of water games in the afternoon. The rides went smoothly and marked the last rides of the summer as a wrangler for me. I'll still be around to consult the others next week but this was it for me. It was a smooth day though and I really enjoyed it.

Thursday afternoon we played water games again and I was at least in part responsible for the pipe game (take a bunch of 3ft. PVC pipes and get water from a hose to a bucket a ways away) it was great fun and the winning time was to fill a 5 gallon bucket in 1:02. it was quite impressive.

Friday was a sad farewell to another 30+ kids who hopefully have fallen in love with this place... we saw them off, cleaned up a bit and then myself and 2 of the other guys on staff went on a little adventure out on the 6 wheeler. we found lots of exciting places... acted a bit silly and generally rested a lot. on our way home the vehicle broke down so we got the joy of towing it back to camp and hopefully it'll get fixed soon.

yesterday.... was a story all its own and as I don't have much time before I must leave for church. I'll tell it in a different post.
