Yesterday after posting I noticed that from time to time I don't explain all of the references that the titles suggest. While in a perfect world I might go back and fix those titles so as not to give the wrong impression... but I'd rather reliably update instead of being a perfectionist about it.
Today was a good day. Everyone scrambled to get their own stuff done and I was no exception. I did lots of things that unfortunately don't have much of a tangible effect. I'm still a bit shy on counselors... but there are a few hopes now that I didn't have a day ago (and a few glimmers that have faded into nothing as well) Please continue to pray that I get the staff that I need for the upcoming week.
I scrubbed out a horrific fridge today and as I was doing so I remember commenting that the bottom reminded me of the bottom of a birdcage combined with a rabbit hutch. While this is a shocking combination it also served to remind me that I've done some absolutely incredible things working at camp. (including cleaning out those animal pens) Even though it's occasionally frightening I don't regret it in the least. And I can't wait to see how my boundaries will be stretched this year too.
I also had the opportunity to introduce a large section of the staff to the game "pairs" tonight. It's such a simple game that it gets people distracted enough to just talk and to let their guard down just a little. It was a blast to play a few rounds (even though I think I lost a disproportionate amount, but who's counting?)
It was great to see so many old friends trickle in and jump to work almost immediately. Combined with a few new faces and camp is already starting to become more lively. Staff training begins in earnest tomorrow morning and most of the stragglers will sneak in on Thursday night.
I also managed to get my gear moved from my car to the barracks with a little (read: a LOT) of help from others. It's far from organized but at least I'll have the choice to not sleep in a sleeping bag tonight which I may or may not take advantage of... we'll see.
I also got a cool opportunity to do some stargazing this evening and saw the rings of Saturn, Jupiter and his moons, and a few galaxies n' nebulae. It was quite chilly (I forgot to grab a jacket on my way out the door) but was well worth the shivers and whatnot.
Last but not least, I consumed no less than 3 Nalgene bottles of water. I think the humidity (or lack thereof) and altitude are larger factors than they have been in years past. Omaha made me soft!
also i'm an "old man" and my bed is calling. Gnite my friends!
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