Wednesday, June 4, 2014

3.3 A short post via smartphone.

Training started off today and it's going fairly well. I always have a hard time getting excited for largely the same info as years past but there has been plenty of new things and whatnot that it has been an overall pleasant day.

One thing that has been added is a worship set right after breakfast and another supper (the beginning and end of the training day). And it was decent...

Once I was able to shut my brain off about who's singing sharp and where the tune derailed entirely it was semi beneficial to me. As some of you know I struggle to worship through live music because I have a hard time turning off my sound guy instincts. It also didn't help that they choose to sing "10,000 reasons" during both sets; a song and album which were very meaningful through the process of mourning my father. A process that is far from over... So every time I hear that song I remember the funeral and while it's a find memory it's also a sad one.

Hit my three nalgene target again! At this rate my body might realize what to do with a sufficient water supply again. Hope that adjustment happens quickly.

Tonight most of the staff are playing a hectic game of Quelf. Looks zany... But I'm pretty wiped. Only one can of soda today for sugar drinks or caffeine, combine that with a short sleep last night and it makes sense I'm dragging a bit. Probably read a Lil bit and crash soon.

Most of the stragglers get here tomorrow night. Pray for safe travel as they drive most of the day.

I am still short counselors for my week (the last in June) and that's getting more stressful as it gets rapidly closer. Pray that the right people materialize soon.

And last but not least... I'm here, and I have enough to get me to Omaha in July, but money is super tight. Pray that support letters yield a response, or that readers feel prompted to give.

P.s. I typed this on my phone so I apologize for any autocorrect errors.

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