Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 52. Of farewells and teamwork, of another job well done and catching up on blogs!

Friday, Friday, Friday!

The day began slowly and accelerated steadily until I just crashed. (more on that later)

Breakfast and such things happened at their allotted time but This day was slightly different so I was able to help serve breakfast (after quickly consuming a few biscuits myself). It was a good time and I was happy to be able to see the whole camp in that way, I've long said that If they could spare me at horses I'd be happy elsewhere and days like today reminded me of that. (not to say i'm not happy where I'm at)

The morning led into the normal cabin/camp cleaning frenzy but I managed to avoid that entirely by taking the two campers who hadn't ridden out on a quick trail ride. We had a chance to do some trotting and covered more ground than we normally do. It was a great time for us wranglers and the girls had fun helping saddle and unsaddle their own horses.

lunch was mac and cheese with hot dogs, a meal I have a soft spot in my heart for (and a soft layer around my belly because of) but it's always a 'the end is nigh' sort of moment when that meal happens. After lunch was a few all camp activities (ice cream ultimate, and the same water game we played during high school camp, minus the forts) The kids had a blast but I was so tired that I could barely walk... and thus I took a much needed nap. (my first all summer) until it was time for court.

Late afternoon the kids (and staff) participated in kangaroo court. The idea is simple, staff and campers are brought up on charges ranging from "conspiracy to dunk everyone at lake day" to "having too cheerful of a smile all the time" and so on and so forth. Punishments were meted out and were typically entertaining and slightly embarrassing. (although the good ones such as being too kind and whatnot were met with punishments such as being first in line for lunch etc.) It was a good time and seemed to be mostly well received.

Dinner happened (nachos) and the kids went their way... regular camp cleaning happened and we be. We're watching thor on the projector and everyone is solidly into their detox and recuperate routines. Prepping for sunday when we do it all over again.



Mariaha Morningstar said...

i can defiantly say i missed camp this week.

Anonymous said...

Mac and Cheese, with hotdogs ---do I hear "comfort food"??
Many a box of Kraft dinner did you consume when you were little...and when not so little. Probably the first thing you learned to cook for yourself.
Some things never change:-)
Love you,