Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 50. Of many rides and surprisingly on time schedules.

Wednesday, unlike a typical week was a day of activities. We took 3 rides out over the course of the day (one in the morning, two in the afternoon). They all went well and the biggest "excitement" came when we had a horse decide that he'd rather lay down than be ridden further, the rider hopped off and then once the horse got back up we continued on and had a great ride. Although I did have to award another trophy can of dew to him as a consolation for a horse issue.

The sunburn that I started aquiring on tuesday was in fine form by wednesday night... turns out when I'm running around so hard I forget entirely to put sunscreen on. Downside is that it was that kind of week to this point, the upside to that is this was the first week I was that exhausted and busy.

The younger crew I had this week really shone today, monday and tuesday we had a few difficulties staying on schedule because I was trying to teach and train while fixing issues and that strategy really paid off today. We were so on time that even after an hour+ in the saddle we were still back with 10 minutes to spare so we got horses watered and were ready to rock and roll by the next rides. I still wasn't on time for supper... but at least I got to eat while others were still in the dining room as opposed to the 'typical' timetable this week.

Despite or perhaps because of this I was exhausted by the time night games rolled around and I was pretty happy to get to bed in a pseudo timely manner to prep for lake day...


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