Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 48. In which the water stopped...

I'm really not sure how long I'll have to finish this before breakfast so I'll try to be quick. I'm a day behind... but that's what it is.

Monday began as most camp sessions do, with some training and then the arrival of the kids. This lead into lunch, then a group activity, then a horseback ride (best ride of the year), then supper (I was late :[ ), then the typical evening roster (evening games, chapel, night games, snack, and campfire).

This week I've got a very young crew compared to what I typically have, the oldest (other than me) is 16. While this is strange to me now it was the sort of crew that I came up in, but It also makes for a slightly different dynamic when people aren't trained and need to be double checked a little bit. I won't go into terrible detail because I don't have a lot of time but I'd appreciate your prayers that I'm a good teacher this week, and that I'm a patient authority so that we not only get the job done but that we can be a better team by the end of the week.

Another curve ball that we had on monday was that our well pump stopped working. That means no running water. No showers, no magic refilling horse tank, no refilling your water bottle with cold water... etc. By now (wed morning) it has been fixed and we're back to normal but for about 24 hours we were hauling water or not using it. Grace was very apparent among many people here (can you tell that the theme was appropriate this week?) but it was also a trying time.

And with that I must be off. I'll try to post day 49 tonight, and then be back on schedule tomorrow morning.(I might have actually lost the notebook with the rest of the lost journals... but hopefully I'll get those up too)

As always if you're reading this, I like you. If you read this and decide to pray for us here at camp... I love you. I'm very glad I don't do this in a vacuum and God has been working in a mighty way, this is not to glorify or celebrate me... it's to point to Him and what HE has done.

May God Bless you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have found that often when we are studying about a certain "fruit of the Spirit" (like patience for instance) or a concept (like grace) it seems that the Lord puts us in situations where we are called to exercise that or cultivate that.
Praying for grace for you, and all who are counselors this week.