Sunday, July 21, 2013

2.44 the one with another song in it

It appears that I'm on a every other day schedule lately...

Yesterday I made a solo drive down to Cheyenne. It was quite enjoyable to make the trek and mid-drive I saw a storm front move across the road. On my left I saw clear skies and sunshine and on my right was a wall of rain and dark and hail. Once it swept over the road it was heavy enough that I had to pull over and stop for a few moments.

Finally I arrived in Cheyenne and undertook the real purpose of my drive. Barnes and noble is a great place... And I spent a bit more than I planned but I also got a nice pile of books that should keep me going until school starts. It makes me glad to have books to read again.

This morning I got up and just made it to early service on time (which is currently going on, yes I know I'm a terrible person) and at the beginning of the service we sang two songs... 10000 reasons, and great is Thy faithfulness. And thus I figured I had better post note before I forget. As I'm sure I've mentioned at least once those two songs are the ones we sang at dads funeral back in January. Great Is Thy faithfulness is also a family hymn that we've sang at anniversaries, celebrations, weddings, and funerals for my entire life. This morning I didn't even sing along...  I just closed my eyes and remembered all the times I've sang that before.

I remember my oma full of life singing that song at her husbands side at a family reunion years ago. I remember singing that song to myself when she passed away as I knew they would sing it at her funeral.

I remember talking about that hymn when my older brother was married. When I gained a sister that day it was so joyful, I remember thinking then that my brother was a blessed man, an opinion that had only been amplified over time. But more than that God was faithful to them both, and continues to be.

I remember reading that hymn when I heard news of my nephews birth. Marty is already the tangible blessing of God to our whole family. I remember his joy even in the midst of our pain in January and I know that was faithfulness too.

I clearly remember singing that song in January surrounded by sorrow and on the very edge of despair. I remember being humbled by hearing that song belted out of the mouths of my uncles, aunts, and cousins and trying to keep on my feet because I was so humbled.

I remember singing that song the weekend before camp started, with only 7 of us. As we dedicated this summer to His glory we knew that we would fall over and over, but he is faithful. And he has been.

I don't know when or what the next milestone will be... But I do know that from now until then this truth remains. Great is his faithfulness.

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