Friday, July 19, 2013

2.43 The one with renewal and a great deal of excitement

Yesterday morning I got out of bed with a bit of weariness, but nothing resembling the level from the night before. Through the process of saddling and whatnot I was able to get rolling on the day and the morning trail rides (all two of them) went very smoothly.

Lunch was tasty and the afternoon involved doing something (that I don't remember) until we got started on the afternoon group game, another round of ice cream ultimate and then moved on to playing a water game (a fairly aggressive relay to bring water to a bucket using tiny cups) It was a blast and the same as lake day I played hard today... and was surprised by how energetic I was through it all, I had a blast being on the team of Cabin 3!

The evening continued on through evening games and I had the privilege of watching the game room for a few hours, we decided to use a few containers of jenga-ish blocks and create a ton of lil games. They were lots of fun and I'd like to think the kids had almost as much fun as we did.

The night ended out with campfire and I loved seeing how many of the campers shared their testimonies about how the week had gone, campfires on Thursday are awesome and are a great reminder of why we do what we do here.

This morning I had the pleasure (and it was a legitimate pleasure) of going out and feeding the horses by myself this morning. It was a great time to sit and listen to the steady awakening of all the animals and camp itself. I was blessed to be able to pray and think while the horses munched away at their grain bags.

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