Sunday, June 9, 2013

Year 2 day 8. On rest and duty, of eager terror and the days to come.

I realized that I hadn't posted last night at about 6 am this morning... I'd apologize but I don't regret prioritizing other things.

Yesterday was great, slept in a little bit and went to fetch horses for their morning feeding shortly after breakfast. I also was able to say hi to our newest addition to the farm, a large pot belly pig named hamlet.

The afternoon considered of a smlur of studying and trying to prepare for this week... I have been asked to speak to the staff of primary camp in the evenings. I'm very excited about it and God had laid several things on my heart to talk about but I'm also nervous that my prep time was so short and whatnot.

The other stretching opportunity is that camp is in casper so I'll be away from haven until Friday, well see how that goes :)

I might post against to fill in a few gaps over the last few days... But maybe not too.


1 comment:

Alida said...

short prep time = less overthinking, less worrying, and more room for the Holy Spirit to do His thing. :)

you (Him in you) will do great.