After posting last night I worked a bit on whittling down my to-do list and eventually got it squished into mostly things that I have to wait for others to do a step before I can do more on... which you'd think would feel good right? nope... it gnaws at you as you wait for things that will cause you more work... when you need to have the work done yesterday. (or a month ago) I don't do well in this space... but I'm also trying really hard to practice what I preached this last week... and not doing so hot thus far.
Last night after I'd stressed beyond the point of being even remotely useful to anyone, for anything... I began to get really annoyed with the noise level in and around my normal sleeping area so I grabbed my hammock, sleeping bag, pillow, and a good book and setup my nest out by the zip line platform... I had just gotten settled in, grumbled a bit about young whipper snappers... and then it started to rain... so I packed everything up and meandered back inside.
I quickly fell asleep despite the steady noise level (which i'm told continued well past 2 am) and arose this morning, got horses in and fed, and worked out my residual frustration by scooping horse poop and dumping it on the manure pile.
It was great to be reunited with the team here at haven and a few of us spent a while making omelettes for the others. It's really nice to be able to cook for people again.. I love it, but I don't often get the opportunity.
I'm still waiting on people for things... but I've got another good book to read to keep me busy in the interim... and I can do things like write on here! (also I"m listening to others watching Tron Legacy right now.. and that's pretty nice too)
p.s. eventually I'll get back to an accurate count and get two posts up in one day... is today that day? we'll see...
1 comment:
Oh no... I'm one of the folks forcing you to practice patience? Stepping up the pace on my activity-ideas filter now; Less Merlin and more thinking coming from me... as soon as I finish season two. (15 minutes left)
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