Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 27. In which there be a great horde of wee tykes! And several driving tours of casper.

Today began far too early... although in some days it began when my fellow staffers snoring awakened me. However if you don't count that the day still began frightfully early. I rolled/fell out of bed at approximately 6:29. You might wonder why I awoke at such a weird time and I'd love to set that sort of issue to rest. I awoke at that time because breakfast was being served at 6:30. After breakfast we rolled on out to the site where camp is based out of (it's an old boys and girls club, the facility is pretty cool). And that's about the end of what I saw of a camp morning.

As we were driving over to the link (that's the name of the site), we got a call from our weekly director who had gotten a flat tire on the way to the same place. So my to-do list involved getting the spare tire on her car (easier said than done when the car in question has funky custom lug-nuts) fetching prescriptions for the sick staffer mentioned in yesterdays post, grabbing the few missing groceries for lunch and so on and so forth. It was a good morning but I didn't even meet the kids until after lunch. Luckily most of them still had their name tags on and I was easily able to identify em.

The afternoon consisted of a trip out to a farm where the kids got to see horses, pet cows, a peacock, a few cats and dogs and whatnot. They were pretty excited about that part and the staff was pretty excited that we played a fun game of red rover without anyone getting hurt.

After a few exhausting and wonderfully chaotic hours we adjourned back to the link and had our version of campfire. (more of a song circle really) After that we cleaned up and the parents started arriving to take the little types home.

All in all it was a pretty fun day... I got a few opportunities to hang out with some incredible kids, to make a few friends with the kids who seemed inclined to stay near the fringe of a group (an inclination I remember quite well back when I was young) and I am wonderfully exhausted.

hmm... I suppose this is where I put my rant for the day. Lessee ... oh yeah! when I started writing this it was using the rest of a section of time set aside for a quiet time, I did get into the word for a brief moment but I've never really been able to do the whole "10 minutes every day" thing. I get into the word most days and spend some time in prayer but that might be 2 minutes, and it has been as long as a few hours before, but whenever I try to dictate how long I will work on anything of that nature it is a struggle to get anything beneficial out of it. I heard a good sermon about it once that basically said that we shouldn't focus on the quantity of that sort of thing, but instead focus on having quality time with God. Mandating that we spend precise intervals can easily result in legalism but allowing God to work often causes a great deal of freedom and joy for the Lord to work.

And that's all I've got to say for now...



Anonymous said...

On Sunday we had a sermon on 1 Thessalonians 5 where we are admonished to rejoice always, pray always, and be thankful always (paraphrased). And pastor said "it isn't the time from when we start to pray until when we end, but rather the time from when we end praying until we start". thought that was good and puts a different perspective on it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nick's mom,
I know you don't know me, but thank you for sharing your son with us at ACK. And thank you for your encouraging words on his blog. I know he appreciates your faithful love and support. And, of far less significance, I enjoy getting to witness that. What a blessing you are!