Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 30. The end of lil kid camp,

As mentioned above, today was the end of primary camp. After 4 fairly busy days of having a horde of little kiddos, we were all a bit glad to see them go home and not have to worry about being up at 6:30 to do it all over again. On the flip side we were also fairly sad to see the little guys go home... even after a few days you do get a bit of an attachment and they are just so darn cute sometimes.

Today we did our regular routines of a minimal chapel service, some large group games, and whatnot we ate lunch (hot dogs!) and headed up to casper mountain for a short hike up to the waterfall. After the hike we headed further up the mountain and spent the remainder of the day frolicking at a picnic area and tie-dyed pillowcases with each of the campers. (brilliant idea as kids will outgrow a t-shirt waaay too fast).

The end of a camp is always exhausting and today was no exception, after about 5:30 we all seemed to hit a wall and started dragging fairly hard. Despite this it was a great day and because of the early end we got to spend a few hours chatting, telling stories, and generally getting to know the other staff members a bit better.

I know this is a bit of a token post... but such is life eh?


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