Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 20. Of horseshoes and decking screws, of facebook, family, and friends.

Today I woke up late... Apparently it's popular to not wake me up on "vacation" days so I slept in a while and missed the start of a new section of deck. (the same started in yesterdays post). By the time I finished breakfast and whatnot I was just in time to get sent down to the horses to help/observe the farrier at work. Due to a few different circumstances our string of horses has been slightly neglected in the area of hoof care until now... But we finally got a farrier to come out and remedy the situation, I spent a large portion of the day observing and swapping stories with dan and was very impressed with his story of how God got ahold of him and how he's tried to model his business after christian principles. It was a great opportunity and dan also mentioned that he'd like to send his kids to camp here! (people who want to send their kids to camp are a great kind of crazy in my book).

After horses I got to see the beauty of a new set of stairs. I'm fairly certain that if the rest of the deck collapsed those stairs would still be standing.

Annnd last but not least after a quick dinner myself and hunter perused the facebooks and fun was had by all. (I encourage you to check out becca's pictures and join the myriad of comment wars raging therin).  Also I got to skype with my wee little sister for a half hour or so.

This is the part of the show where I go off script and such... today I think I'll just outline the script for the next lil bit.

Until thursday I'll be in and around camp and the nearby town of torington. I should have decent cell signal so I'll update those days, thursday night I think we're going camping so I might not have power, internet, or cell signal so I might not be updating in a timely manner those days, I do plan on bringing paper and a pen so at very least I can jot down the core of an update and type it up later. After this week we move on to primary camp in casper for a week, high school camp at table in the wilderness, and a mission trip in denver for a week. All of these times might be intermittent updates but I shall record my recollections and perspective as much as possible.

Kind of a boring day... but they can't all  be winners eh? (p.s. happy day after canada day)



Anonymous said...

high school camp at table in the wilderness?
What or where is that exactly? Sounds like you'll need to be on the look out for rattlers.
Keep safe

Nick Oegema said...

the website for that location is I don't know a lot of info other than we're doing high school camp there and that I'll be a counselor that week.