Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 19. The day in which I slept... a lot

Today was quite a good Sunday. We went in to church for the late service (I am convinced that only crazy people go to the early one) and heard a solid sermon about Gideon and how at times we're just called to make noise and watch God do the work. OK in all fairness that might not have been exactly what pastor said but it did come up in our discussion later in the day so that's how I remember it.

We then ate some chinese food in Torington and I was quite amused to see how busy it was and how much fun it is when a chinese restaurant is full of cowboys, pretty entertaining.

Came back to camp after lunch and after reading for a short while I fell asleep, I was half awakened to learn that a rattlesnake had made its way into one of the cabins... Don't worry, no one else was here and it was quickly disposed of. Just a bit entertaining and further proof that the two remaining cabin remodels need to happen this year. Despite a small project to do I slept all the way until 6pm (the project still got done thanks to zach and hunter being superstars n whatnot) and finally dragged myself out of bed so that I could fall asleep before monday rolled around.

And finally I'm starting to get into the neighborhood of why I'm telling the whole narrative of the day... Most of it probably isn't interesting to anyone but me, but meh...  anyway, after I awoke we had a mini guys night and watched alien on the projector and ate delicious bowls of cold cereal. The Bachelor experience did not end here we also had a pair of those ever so peculiar banana chairs. It reminded me of watching movies in the basement of our old house on 5th street... (for those that don't know that era, 4 college guys in a house will turn it into a fairly stereotypical bachelor pad... it just happens). It was pretty fun to see the references from prometheus that are also in alien.

Now, as you might recall if you've seen alien... they always seem to be hiding about head height and stick their creepy faces out right when you turn around... well as me and adam were heading down to hook up a trailer we noticed one of the cabin doors were open, we ducked in checked to make sure nothing had set up residence and then turned the lights off and turned around to leave. As I turned toward the door in the now-dark cabin I came face to face with a lil furry face. rower! bowser (one of the other cats here at camp, yes I was a part of his name) greeted me as I did a nice little scared dance. But I had my revenge and set him outside and closed the door, as I drove off down the road he was either plotting... or pouting. I'm hoping for pouting.

well there you have it, except for tossing some hay and whatnot that's a pretty complete account of the day, which usually means now is the time where I pick an obscure and semi-related topic to expound upon. I suppose tonight will be no different.

An empty camp is a strange thing, With just 4 of us remaining here last night (we're up to 7 tonight though) this camp is a huge echoing place. It is alive with memory and tears, with stress and stories. In some ways it's extremely useful to sit around and rest here because in my brain I'm still recalling and learning from things that happened last year. I can still remember with incredible clarity sitting at this very table and talking to a dear friend about the way God works in our lives and how a biblical discussion doesn't have to take place in a little Christianese vacuum. I can still remember ducking out the back door when he inevitably was swept off to dance with his lady (now his wife) and the incredible stars spread out overhead. While I remember this last 2 weeks of camp and prepare for our season on the road I can't remember maverick without remembering abe, or go through a thursday night without remembering deb and nicole. Dear friends all... Yes this is what a calling feels like and this is what success is measured by, NOTHING we did here remained a simple menial task. I love every minute of it including the times I took my boots off and couldn't move for at least an hour because my feet hurt so badly. I love the times when I was so badly sunburned that even though I was sitting in front of an AC unit on full blast I was still roasting hot. Why do I remember those times and am glad? Because in many ways the only thing I've ever been able to accomplish out here is to make noise... and watch God work. May we all be so Blessed wherever we are planted.



Alida said...

cool revelations at the end. Pretty grazy how the Spirit can use the most seemingly insignificant things to speak so loudly? It's one of my absolute favourite things about life (the kingdom in all of life!)

...although, I was totally lost with the scifi references. haha. Love you brother!

Adam and Jenni Tibbs said...
