Wednesday, June 18, 2014

3.15 a list of issues to pray for

Things to remember in your prayers:
Several of the staff are fighting illnesses, in perhaps a perfect storm these are also some of the new staff. So in a team ministry when one is struggling it ripples. So everyone is working a little harder.

Combine this with the fact that the summer staff is a little smaller this year and chores are a little larger and it's an endurance game to be sure.

Also we've got a huge group of great campers, who we love but are not short on challenges. Pray for wisdom and patience as we desk with them.

I'm beginning to get sore from being on my feet too long (happens every summer), it wasn't as quick to set in as wrangling but that's the first sign that I'm running low on fuel. And I've gotta direct next week...

Tomorrow we do the last rappelling for the week and we've got an all camp activity called the "amazing (g)race" which should be fairly awesome.

Breakfast comes soon and I need all the sleep I can get. Gnite my friends

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