Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2.36 the one before pool day

Today is pool day! (not to be confused with lake day). The advantages of pool day over lake day are professional lifeguards that we didn't have to bring with us, and being able to keep an eye on the wee ones through something relatively clear instead of mud and bugs n such. (I'm actually kind of excited, can you tell?)

Yesterday was pretty great, I had so much fun that my voice decided that it wasn't going to operate at 100% this morning. Which is kind of fun too.

As I crawled out of bed this morn I was greeted with the great news that the chores I was not looking forward to had already been done and that we shouldn't let the blessings end with us. I tell you this not to make the one who did it look better (although he does look pretty good right now) but to force myself to tell you how it went tomorrow.

Until then continue to pray for an exuberance as we try to keep up with the little guys and gals. Pay for health and strength in physical, mental, and spiritual things.

And last but certainly not least in my mind, please pray for me and school rapidly approaching in the fall. It's coming quick and I'm trying hard not to worry about it, but I fear I'm just stacking up worry in a big pile that'll Fall on my head at an inconvenient time.



Anonymous said...

Nick : love the updates. Enjoy & savor each day !
Don't worry about school. Take it one day at a time .

Love, Aunt Ellen

bromb said...

Trust me Nick, if your blog is anything to go on, school won't be a problem for you compared to what you deal with at camp.

You'll be just fine, mkay?