By the time this one reaches the
internet it will be at least a few days out of date {7 to be exact}
As I suspected initially Table in the Wilderness is isolated enough
that cell phones and inet service are not accessable to me. On top of
that the guys 'cabins' this week are just large tents so I also don't
have power to write this on my laptop. {it was handwritten and then
transcribed to computer right now} So if these happen to take a while
to get the whole week posted it's likely due to the fact I can't read
my own handwriting from time to time. {so far I've done ok though}
Over the last 24 hours not much has
happened in the itinerary arena, we attended church in saratoga and
enjoyed some incredible fellowship until about 1pm after which we
rolled out and headed up over the mountains to Table in the
wilderness, the place henceforth referred to as home for the next
week. {it has since changed again... twice... but that's getting
ahead of the story}
The church service in saratoga was at a
tiny cowboy church and the presence of our staff easily doubled the
size of the congregation. It was an incredibly encouraging experience
to be among a group of older beleivers that are still as
passionate{if not more so} about the things of God as us young
foolish types and it was great to see how excited they were to hear
about camp and how God has been working. It was also a pleasure to
hear our very own Adam Tibbs preach on ministry, steadfastness, and
God's faithfulness. {If you're reading this and have the opportunity
to hear him preach I highly recommend it}.
Another notable memory from this
morning was how Pastor Les began his opening prayer. He clasped his
hands together and began with a simple heartfelt “Abba Father,
Dearest daddy... “ it struck me as odd for only a few seconds and
perhaps coming from nearly anyone else it might have continued to be
strange but as Les continued in an incredibly heartfelt petition it
instead came across as a wonderful sincerity. Pastor Les is a great
man and the love of God flows out of him in a way that I've only
experienced a few times. Truly it was good to be in the house of the
From church we drove almost
uninterrupted to table in the wilderness {not counting the
semi-regular stops to let our van cool off} but we did stop near the
top of the mountain and did a little scrambling over the rocks, it
was good times and I got a few nifty pictures that I might post on
here... but I might not. Time will tell.
I've also got another story that I'd
like to record for today but I'm out of time at the moment so I'll
just end here {not really, keep reading. I kept this in here for the
sake of historical accuracy}
addendum: {written later that day}
Guess what? I found a few moments to write this section as promised.
I also wanted to comment on the fact that as we were loading the van
on Sunday morning how incredible the group of women we have on our
team are this year. This is not to say that past years are in any way
inferior but it is rare to find such gorgeous ladies (without
exception) all in one place. I use the word gorgeous intentionally
because beauty is often confused with merely skin-deep appearance.
But I must say that these women... are gorgeous. And it's a
priviledge and an honor to serve alongside each and every one of
p.p.s. {anything I wrote between these
little dealies was added after the fact and will hopefully serve as a
good link between the past and present}
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