Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 15. The one after the one that nobody read.

Turns out only one person read yesterdays post... good to know I'm talking to myself eh? Hello future self who's reading this at the end of the summer, you're more tired, more tan, and hopefully wiser than I am right now. I envy you... and at the same time, you poor poor fellow, you have to go home and I still have a 6 more weeks of this.

Lake day was a whopping success! I managed to get through the whole day without getting fried. Which is really impressive when you factor in the fact that due to my weight loss over the last year I'm not morbidly embarrassed to not wear a shirt on lake days... although I might have to start again because there is this joke going around that I'm always wearing a white t-shirt even when I'm not wearing any shirt at all. Gotta love being a pasty white guy with crazy tan lines eh? Although... it could be worse, at the beginning of the summer last year I was completely pasty white... so progress yeah?

Today was a good day, I swam alot, had some great conversations and generally got to frolic with some incredibly awesome people all day. (some of them were even staff!) I also got a note from a brother in christ from back home today and it was incredibly cool to hear how things are back home. (thanks clark, you're a champ)

Anyway, today is a short one. If you're my lone reader that already read yesterday... sorry. If you're everyone else, go read yesterday.

oh yeah, prayer requests. Pray for my general muscle fatigue level. I had to dose up on ibuprofin for the first time this summer today and it was a bit shocking how big of an effect it had.

p.s. odd that after saying that only one person read yesterdays that I write a post with a bunch of questions... meh...
p.p.s. I love comments on these and read every one (even if I don't reply)


Alida said...

how do you know nobody read it? :)

Nick Oegema said...

At the time only 2 people had viewed that page.

Anonymous said...

Dibs on being your lone reader yesterday! Love seeing each day through your eyes. Thanks for giving me more perspective on what's going on here. Maybe we should insist that everyone blog and the director should read them and be wiser for it. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, was at a conference in Chicago - just now catching up on what's been going on for you. Make sure you are drinking enough water - will help with the muscle pain.