I find it encouraging that no matter what God has led us through in our past when we come to camp he uses all of that expertise and experience here. For just a tiny beginning I had to do some super basic computer networking today, and also am fairly regularly asked to do sound stuff (despite our setup being a nightmare) it's cool to see that those skills and passions aren't checked at the door they're carried on board for this crazy ride. It is also good to note that we also have an older gentleman acting as a counselor this week who is incredibly good with sound equipment and it has been fun to learn a few new tricks from him.
Anyway, this morning we had an "all camp scavenger hunt thingie" which involved each group going through a series of 8 stations and collecting the signatures of all the staff working those stations. I don't know what all of them entailed but ours was incredibly simple, enjoyable, and surprisingly seemed fun for the kids. Allow me to explain, me and my fellow wrangler Noah were told to saddle our horses and to hide from the kids, if the kids were able to find us we were allowed to make a request/demand of them and then send them on to the next station with signature on hand. (they were required to have a staff or kid act as the autograph book). We had a blast zipping around camp and eventually all the groups did catch up to us and were given a signature and sent on their merry way skipping and singing the song home, home on the range (our demand).
After we were done with our station we swung by the mud pit (it is exactly what it sounds like) where one of our comerades was playing a rousing game of simon says. simon says sit down... *squish* and so on and so forth. Anyway, also at this station was one of that gals on staff and she had the largest grin I have ever seen on her face, (anatomically I don't think it could have been any larger) and she looked over and said to us "this is my job! God is SO good!". I couldn't agree more and I hope you can see that in what I write here.
We did a few trail rides this afternoon and despite using sunscreen I apparenlty didn't reapply in the proper interval and am slightly sunburned. Keep that in your prayers, sunburns make me tired, tired makes me grumpy, and grumpy makes me bad at this job.
hmm... oyez the stories I remembered today that I havn't recorded here yet.
-At the tack barn we have two cats that are not cuddly cats, they're working animals and their lot in life is to be fearsome hunters so we don't have to set mousetraps. Well... when we arrived they didn't have names (at least to our knowledge) and we didn't want to risk our fearsome duo being named something like buttercup and lily so we decided the only course of action was to preemtively name them ourselves. Suffice it to say, Chuck and Norris are still fearsome creatures.
annnd there was another one but I have forgotten it, I suspect most of my readers (all mysterious 16-24 of you) know that this is fairly normal...
Anyway, Lake day tomorrow! Pray for clear skies and soft winds, functioning boats and whatnot.
1 comment:
Reading these in a backwards order - sorry.
Glad you didn't lose your glasses again.
LOVE the mud pit story - can just picture it.:-)
Keep looking to Jesus for your strength every day - He WILL supply what you need.
Cautious (b/c of sunburn) hug,
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